
Viamedici Software GmbH

Hertzstraße 14
D-76275 Ettlingen

Telefon: +49 7243 9498-0
Managing Director: Jürgen Müller

Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 362615
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE813528582
Verantwortlicher i.S.d. § 55 Absatz 2 RStV: Jürgen Müller



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Frost and Sullivan –
Product and Leadership Award

We are grateful and proud to have earned this award!

Being recognized as the 2023 Frost & Sullivan Product Leadership award winner for the product management and marketing industry is an honor. Our EPIM4 has been recognized as successfully addressing manufacturers’ and distributors’ needs for comprehensive solutions.

Frost and Sullivan, 2023

Viamedici Awarded
Gold Medal in PIM

We are proud to have received the Software Reviews Product Information Management Gold Medal 2023 and have listed Viamedici as a leader in PIM.

Software Reviews had this to say about Viamedici EPIM:

“The Enterprise Product Information Management suite Viamedici EPIM offers the utmost reliability and convenience in maintaining, administering, and supplying product data, marketing information, and media assets. With this comprehensive solution, you have your product data under control, in all languages and throughout the entire process chain. Viamedici EPIM is a real enterprise application designed for company-wide use, large numbers of users, and maximum amounts of data. State-of-the-art architecture and comprehensive scalability ensure the best performance and operating security even under high load.”

Info-Tech, Software Reviews Gold Medal, 2023

Viamedici MDM ranked #1

We are extremely proud to announce that we have been ranked #1 in Software Reviews 2023 by Info-Tech.

The EPIM suite by Viamedici was given a composite score of 9.2/10 based on customer testimonials, vendor capability, and feature satisfaction. There are good reasons that Viamedici holds a 99,3% customer retention rate and 94% of users are likely to recommend our products. 100% percent of the customers surveyed would renew with Viamedici at the end of the term.

Info-Tech, Software Reviews Gold Medal, 2023

PIM Leader 2022

100% satisfied customers!

We are honored to announce that we have been selected as the PIM (Product Information Management) -Leader 2022 by Info-Tech amongst 13 providers!

Viamedici EPIM offers the utmost reliability and convenience in maintaining, administering, and supplying product data, marketing info and media assets. 100% users plan to renew and 93% likely to recommend based on their all-around positive experiences.

Info-Tech, Software Reviews Leader, July 2022


HFS Research, Hot Vendors Q1 2022, April 2022

“The combination of PIM, dynamic product configuration, powerful multi-language, and real-time data is exactly what companies need to win in a digital market, and it makes Viamedici a Hot Vendor.”